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What does a dairy cow eat and how it is related to TMR?

If a cow is healthy and eating a proper diet, you will get the top quality milk. Also, the calf will be much stronger. In order to ensure that she remains healthy a cow needs to be given a variety of food components.

Food like Clover, various types of hays and grasses are an important part of dairy cow balanced diet. That is the reason why Australian dairy cattle exporters are popular because they take care of cow’s nutrition diet to make sure they are healthy and free from any disease.

What is TMR?

When it comes to cattle food, it is properly mixed with all the nutrients like hay is mixed with grain, corn silage (It can be green corn stalks, chopped ryegrass, coastal Bermuda grasses, sorghum grasses, wheat, Sudan hay, and other high-nutrient grasses) and other types of feeds to create a total mixed ration also called TMR. The TMR ensures that the cows get proper nutrition.

Why it is required to mix all the ingredients together?

Cows are just like kids. They will pick their favorite food to eat like grains and if it happens they will not the proper nutrition. In order to let them eat all the required diet farmers mix and grind all the feed together. That is why Australian livestock exports are proven to import the best quality livestock to different parts of the country.

How much time does a cow spend on eating?

Normally, a cow spends around 5 hours a day eating and consumes almost around 100 pounds of feed made up of forage (it includes pasture grass or chopped grass), grain, mineral supplements and protein-rich feeds such as soybean meal and drink 25-50 gallons of water in a day.

How the dairy cattle diet is adjusted by farmers?

Famers or we can say Australian dairy cattle exporters make sure to adjust the dairy cow diet according to their age as well as the stage of her breeding/milking cycle. When it comes to young heifers, they need to feed with age-appropriate calories and protein to ensure steady growth in the future. While the cows who had just given birth to a newborn needs special nutrition to regain her strength and body condition.

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Wrapping up:

If you are planning to import a dairy cattle, and are worried about their health, then you don’t need to worry as while raising cows Australian dairy cattle exporters like Australia's Livestock Exporters may sure the livestock gets proper nutrition according to their age and requirements.

Also Read:  Finding the Right Source for Livestock Exporters